Thursday, December 29, 2011

Supp people :D
Havent been blogging for such a longlonglong time!
Hows life?? :D
Heh, okayokay, gonna post what i did in Malaysia during the december holidays! :D

Day 1, 23th Dec

Woke up about 4am in the morning. Bathe, ate and took car to Johor to fetch my cousin first. And we pass by YONGPENG~! Was damn excited you know! Thought about AF and i saw a place that looks like the last part of already famous! :D ITS LIKE THE ACTUAL SCENE YOU KNOWW!!! Whereby AHKIAO and AHSENG got one child that part. LOL.

Reached about 9am and then we chatted and slacked until 5pm and went for some buffet dinner with some strangers. Played with my baby cousin throughout the whole buffet thing, she's damn cute! Went home about 7pm without shopping because part of segamat was flooded, REALLY FLOODED. 70% of a nearby school was submerged! Damn scary, i swear!

Yeahh den stayed up late with all my cousin and we have like a secret talked or something. Awkward but interesting! LOL. And that day was the released of xiaogui's album, some fans got his album on that day itself and they are all listening to ALL his songs, while me... STILL STUCKED IN MALAYSIA. Forget it...

Day 2, 24th Dec

Woke up at 7am because of my stupid childish brother. Blast all his songs into my ear. D: Spent my morning exploring the weighing machine with my cousin. We act like we were taking height and weight, hahaha fun like heaven only.

After that, my other baby cousin and her mum reach segamat about 3pm and we went to fetch her. Wedding dinner at 7pm :D Ate a lot of food, MARVELOUS. Then there is a karaoke session and those elderly went up to sing. HMM... LOL. After that, some teenagers went up to sing 小酒窝and 你最珍贵, damn nice :D Ohh and the bride sister is last year's 星光大道 champion. At the start of the wedding got play her song, everbody screamed. But i still got no idea who she is.. LOL. Reached home about 11pm. Everybody washed up. Celebrated my dad's birthday and slept.

Day 3, 25th Dec

MERRY CHRISTMAS! Hohoho. Did nothing special. Cousins went home. Damn lonely alone with my brother. Watch some taiwan channel in astro and got xiaogui. But its like only 30 min, so yeahh :D Happy still :D At night, went out with my uncle and brother to eat supper since the place is not so flooded already. And we ate for three hours you know, damn epic. LOL.

Yeahh and the rest of the day were spent staring on the wall, LOL. Nothing special, so yeahh :D

LOL okayy i need to sleep now. Its like so late already! Goodnight!

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